Some great money saving tips
  1. Service your heating system. It's the best money you'll spend. Annual cleanings ensure proper function and safety of your unit, and can help extend the life of your furnace.
  2. Install a programmable thermostat. A must! Program the thermostat to a lower temperature while you're a t work or while sleeping and safe up to 30% in energy costs in a well insulated home. What's more, outdated thermostats are the weakest link in conserving energy.
  3. Add weather stripping around windows and doors. Here's a project almost any homeowner could do. Door thresholds, window caulking and plastic window film can save you a lot of money this year. In a drafty home, you could save up to 20%.
  4. Utilize or install ceiling fans in your home. Heat rises. Running fans slowly and in reverse will keep warm air circulating, reducing the time your furnace will run.
  5. Check the arrangement of your furniture. Many times people put couches and chairs over vents and in front of baseboard radiators, decreasing the efficiency of the units. If airflow is restricted, the use of the furnace will increase, increasing your energy bill.
  6. Have your duct system tested for air leaks. According to recent research by the U.S. Department of Energy, gaps and cracks in a home's duct system reduce your heating system's efficiency by 25-40%.